Friday, November 21, 2008

Time... Where has it gone?

Time is sure flying by. I've been so busy I haven't had to really sit and write and upload pictures. Nicholas is now 7 1/2 Months. Everyday seems so amazing to me. Our children grow so fast. They are simply miracles. I am so blessed to have been given such a gift of joy. Here are a couple of pictures. The baseball one is his six month portrait. The next is in the leaves at the Mansion. I took him down to do pictures in the leaves in his pumpkin outfit for Halloween. I will post them later. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beautiful Song

I learned this song as a youth. It was by a german artist Heintji. We had a lot of his records. Yes vinal I know back in the day thats what we had. Ha ha ha.

For all mothers and grandmothers, this is for you.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nicholas 4 month Doctor Visit

Nicholas Measurements

11 - August - 2008

15lb. 140z

24 3/4"

17" Head

Doctor says he is right on track. He's one Happy Boy. He is now eating solids and nearly sitting up and of course talking up a storm. This past week we went to Missoula as a family which is about an hour away. They way up he was pretty quite just playing with his toys and eating his bottle. But on the way home he talked the whole way. It was so cute. Just whish we would know what he was telling us. Hope this finds you all well. Take care. Love the Weidows

40 Years

This past Sunday Mom & Papa celebrated thier 40th Wedding Anniversary. They had a wonderful day. We stopped by for a visit and Nicki gave them his 4month Portrait which they both loved and mom put up right away. Other than that things have been pretty normal around here. Nothing too special happening.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Please Mom I Want Some More

It's hard to believe that Nicholas is already eating solids. That's right. He's been eating solids now for about a month. He loves his fruits (takes after mom in that), just chows down. You can't feed him fast enough. He'll even grab your had to stuff it in. Now veggies, they are different story for the first couple bites then it's the same story but not so enthusiastic. He can make some of the funniest faces though when you try something new. It's so funny. Enjoy the pictures.

1st time eating Peas

Peaches are a Good Thing

Now a Popsicle That's the B E S T . . .

U P D A T E . . . .

It's been a while since I've updated our News. It's been pretty crazy around here. A very busy July. We had our 4th of July Parad which is put on by the Sunday School so Audry and I had to get our class (Merri Miss B) ready. We gave them the choice of what they would like and they decieded to be flower children. They came up with some cute costumes. Nicholas road in the parade with us. He was all wide eyed till the trailer started moving and he decied to to go to sleep. He was an All American Boy. Dressed in a little basball outfit ball cap and all. He was quite cute if I don't say so myself. Then we had Conference. Little Victoria (well not so little any more she's 14) came up and stayed with us. It was so great seeing her. She's growing up so fast. Mom had company so I was her chef for the weekend so she could enjoy everyone. We had a great time. The Priesthood men BBQ in the pit like they used to and it turned out so so good. They are good cooks. That's just a bit of our July month. Here are some pics of Nicki. He's growing like a weed..... Hope this finds all of you well. Take care. Enjoy the pics.

Nick is just the happiest little boy I've met.

He wakes up with a smile and goes to sleep with a smile.

He truly is the sunshine in our lives.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Nicholas First Time Swimming

Saturday we had a BBQ at Rex's sisters house and Nicholas got to swimming with his papa. He loved it and didn't want to get out of the pool. But when he did he went right to sleep. He is just the happies baby.

All Tuckered out after going swimming.
But still eyeing the swimming pool.
Give a penny for what he is thinking.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Weekend Visit

This past weekend we were able to make a trip to Missoula so Nicki could see his Grandma Penny. Penny is my Birth Mother. We met two years ago in August. It's been a wonderful time. We've had some real good times. She is one Proud Grandma.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nicholas John Weidow

On April 4th of 2008 we added to our family our first child.
Nicholas John Weidow
born at 6:30pm,weighing in at 6.13oz
and measuring 18 3/4".
He is a wonderful baby.
As of late his little personality is sure developing.
He has brought so much joy into life
more than we could have ever imagined.
Hope you enjoy his photo album.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day

For Fathers Day this year Mom took us all out to eat at the lovely Broadax Lodge. It's roughly an hour drive (give or take a little) from our home. We saw a ton of sheep on the way up. Lots of moma's with their babies. After dinner we did our usually family picture taking. It's so peaceful at the lodge. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers.

If your interested in visiting the Broadax Lodge here is their Website