Friday, November 21, 2008

Time... Where has it gone?

Time is sure flying by. I've been so busy I haven't had to really sit and write and upload pictures. Nicholas is now 7 1/2 Months. Everyday seems so amazing to me. Our children grow so fast. They are simply miracles. I am so blessed to have been given such a gift of joy. Here are a couple of pictures. The baseball one is his six month portrait. The next is in the leaves at the Mansion. I took him down to do pictures in the leaves in his pumpkin outfit for Halloween. I will post them later. Enjoy.


Ivy said...

What a cutie! Did you take these pictures?

Tiffani said...

Cute pics!

Christy said...

He is adorable. Isn't it fun to have kids! MERRY CHRISTMAS!